Updated Membership Renewal Process
August 19, 2019
Over the past year, the Dakota Territory Buffalo Association has been expanding its communication with its membership to better provide you with current and accurate information about the bison industry. These efforts have included a new webpage, a social media presence, e-mail notifications, and an improved newsletter. The next step in our attempts to better connect you to the bison community is an updated online membership renewal process, which we are planning to roll out next month.
Currently, the membership renewal period for the Dakota Territory Buffalo Association begins on September 1st and runs through December 31st. If your membership is currently expired, renewing before September 1st will update your membership through the end of this year. If you renew after September 1st, you will update your membership for next year. Please remember that you will first need to update your membership status before registering for the Winter Conference or any of the producer classes.
If you have registered online before, you were asked to provide information about your operation or business, including an e-mail address. This information will still be a part of your profile and will appear on the website’s membership directory just as it has for the past year.
As always, you can still download and print a copy of a membership renewal form from the website, or use the form included at the back of the Territory Buffalo News.
Whether you are renewing your membership, and/or registering for the winter conference, the biggest difference will be a new membership login page, as seen below:
Let’s assume you are a past or current member and want to register for the winter conference. You will need to set up your new member account, as shown below:
You will first be asked to provide, or reset, a password for your account, which should be a familiar process if you have other online accounts. If you are already registered with the DTBA, your e-mail address will be your login ID. Click on “Reset Your Password”, and you will be directed to the next screen:
Re-enter your e-mail address and click “SEND RESET REQUEST”. The system will send a password reset request to the email address you entered, as indicated by the next screen:
Follow the prompts in the email to choose and reset a new password:
Once a new password is established, you will return to the login page. At this point, you have completed set up of your new account and can resume registering for the Winter Conference using a credit card. Please note that, if your membership expires before the date of the Winter Conference, you can add your membership dues to your conference registration:
You will then have a chance to review your cart. In this example, your cart includes two winter conference tickets and your annual dues. Enter your payment information to complete the transaction:
And that’s it! We hope that this renewal process will be a little more streamlined, and a little more familiar to those folks who maintain other online accounts. Around the 1st of September, you will also receive an e-mail notification reminding you to renew your membership for 2020, along with a direct link to the website membership login page. Fall is a busy time of year for bison producers, so if you do not quite find time to renew right away, you will get a couple more reminders before the end of the year. To renew your membership online directly, please visit the “Renew Membership” page on the website any time after September 1st. Or, if you happen to be a new member, you can join the DTBA for the first time using a similar process.
The greatest strength of the DTBA is its membership, and we want to make sure that members can quickly and easily maintain their affiliation with the Association and with the bison community. As always, please contact us if you have any questions.