Spring 2022 Message From the President
May 11, 2022
Happy spring everyone! I hope your calving season is going well. There is nothing better than green grass with red dogs sunning in it. I wanted to drop a quick line to say hello, send well wishes, and to give you an update on this year’s Dakota Territory Buffalo Association Tammi Cooley Memorial Scholarship. After reviewing many great applicants, which made our job truly difficult, the scholarship committee awarded 3 individual $1,000 scholarships on May 1st. The recipients of those three were Wyatt Walker of Allinace, NE, Keighlor Nolz of Hartford, SD, and Madelyn Kremer of Hillman, MN. I would like to say congratulations to those individuals, but more importantly I want to say thank you to the membership for making these scholarships possible. If it wasn’t for your generous contributions, we wouldn’t have money to award. So sincerely thanks for all you do! As always if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact myself or any other DTBA board member.
God bless and take care!
Liz Schroth, President – Dakota Territory Buffalo Association